For anyone who may actually read this, I'm 30, I live in Bangor, Northern Ireland, I work in the civil service, and I organize a pub quiz in Wolsey's Bar every Monday night. Really I should just link to my friends reunited profile, but I'm not so au fait with posting stuff yet. I've had a website designed for ages, except I can't figure out why it won't appear on lycos. It just says this site is under construction, and I can't figure out any way to have someone talk me through what bit I'm doing wrong. So I ended up just leaving it and pretending as if it doesn't exist, which I suppose it doesn't really since no-one else can read it. It's like that old puzzler, if a tree falls in the forest and there's no-one there to hear it, does it make a noise?
So anyway, I did a new flyer for the pub quiz this week. First one in 3.5 years. It's pretty good even if I do say so myself. If I can figure out how to create a jpeg of it and then somewhere to host it for nothing I'll post a pic of it. I hadn't realised how long it had been since the last flyer until I realised Simon didn't even realise I used to do my own advertising. Man that's bad. I used to be so committed to it as well. I did a new one practically every month. And as for all those specialist rounds.... It went from one every week to one every other week, to one every whenever the hell I feel guilty about not having done one for ages. I couldn't and still can't remember when I started in Wolseys either which annoys me, coz I'm usually so good with that stuff. Maybe I'm getting old. It's particularly irritating because as someone who places such store in self-mythologising I can't remember such a key year in my life. Anyway, that's where all this was supposed to start (writing a new flyer), except I got bogged down in actually providing some detail about my life. No doubt over coming posts I'll let you know a bit more about my 'exciting' life.
By the way, if anyone does ever read this, please e-mail me at kayesoATyou-at-wolseysDOTcom, just to let me know what you think of it so far. Good or bad I don't really mind. I just have strong suspicions that even though I would actually like to be the next Belle Du Jour, I don't know how anyone would ever come across my stuff. Oh and I'd like not to have to sleep with quite so many people for money. Actually that bits not true at all. I wouldn't object to getting paid!
Oh and this bit's for Christine, coz she was the first person I told about this blog. She wants me to write more coz I'm good at it. I don't generally want to because I find it difficult to write without a real burst of inspiration. Anyway, Christine, you were right. Today hasn't been very tough at all. Whether it will be like that normally is another matter though. That makes it sound like I've just knocked out a masterpiece really instead of just some junk about my life and the micro-interesting things that happen in it.
Oh and Jenni comes home this weekend. More on her some other time...
So anyway, I did a new flyer for the pub quiz this week. First one in 3.5 years. It's pretty good even if I do say so myself. If I can figure out how to create a jpeg of it and then somewhere to host it for nothing I'll post a pic of it. I hadn't realised how long it had been since the last flyer until I realised Simon didn't even realise I used to do my own advertising. Man that's bad. I used to be so committed to it as well. I did a new one practically every month. And as for all those specialist rounds.... It went from one every week to one every other week, to one every whenever the hell I feel guilty about not having done one for ages. I couldn't and still can't remember when I started in Wolseys either which annoys me, coz I'm usually so good with that stuff. Maybe I'm getting old. It's particularly irritating because as someone who places such store in self-mythologising I can't remember such a key year in my life. Anyway, that's where all this was supposed to start (writing a new flyer), except I got bogged down in actually providing some detail about my life. No doubt over coming posts I'll let you know a bit more about my 'exciting' life.
By the way, if anyone does ever read this, please e-mail me at kayesoATyou-at-wolseysDOTcom, just to let me know what you think of it so far. Good or bad I don't really mind. I just have strong suspicions that even though I would actually like to be the next Belle Du Jour, I don't know how anyone would ever come across my stuff. Oh and I'd like not to have to sleep with quite so many people for money. Actually that bits not true at all. I wouldn't object to getting paid!
Oh and this bit's for Christine, coz she was the first person I told about this blog. She wants me to write more coz I'm good at it. I don't generally want to because I find it difficult to write without a real burst of inspiration. Anyway, Christine, you were right. Today hasn't been very tough at all. Whether it will be like that normally is another matter though. That makes it sound like I've just knocked out a masterpiece really instead of just some junk about my life and the micro-interesting things that happen in it.
Oh and Jenni comes home this weekend. More on her some other time...
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