Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Euro 2004

Football fever is with us again. Gotta love the big tournaments. Everyone gets so wound up in the anticipation looking forward to seeing the very best in the world or in this case Europe pit their wits against each other, then despite a plethora of dull negative football, people will happily sit and watch the Czech Republic vs Latvia when they would pay good money to avoid watching that fixture at any other time. Still it's all good, even I'm maintaining a excel document tracking all the results, like when I was a kid and dutifully filled in my wallchart for Espana 82 or Mexico 86. Fan-bloody-tastic!!

In other news, we're moving offices this week, going from nice central Belfast to horrible in the middle of nowhere Business park. Pain in the arse. As if the job isn't shitty enough, we don't even get the benefit of being able to go shopping at lunchtimes anymore. It's got me thinking though. I really should chase up my transfer. I've been in the Northern Ireland Civil service for almost 9 years, and I can honestly say I've never had or even seen a public sector job that looked genuinely interesting. How damning is that? I wonder if the private sector is like that...


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