Thursday, July 29, 2004


Well, a full month later I finally got round to sorting my password out, and so without further ado, we are BACK!!

I know Christine will at least be happy, as she's been bugging me constantly about getting this sorted out. She even complained about the football posts. I mean, how can you not like football? I hate to think about what she's gonna make of the blog once the new season starts, and Man Utd are gloriously romping their way to an unprecedented quadruple! Ah, I can but wish...

So what else is there? Jenni's apparently due back this week possibly. It was hard to tell from the impossibly short conversation I was able to manage on Sunday between getting cut off due to a lack of signal. I mean honestly, in this day and age, getting a poor signal is just not right. I know people worry about the masts causing hideous deformities in children and frying us all from within over many years, but the fact remains that I can't get a fucking proper signal which is far more important than the lives of other people's brats.

Kids are shit, it's official. And if further confirmation was needed it was in our newspapers this morning, with the 14 year old who was supposedly obsessed with a video game and went out and killed some 17 year old. Here's a rundown on certain points:

  1. Firstly, what sort of idiot gets obsessed with a video game to that degree? Just how dumb or fucked up do you have to be that nobody notices (including yourself) that playing any computer game for more than six hours a day on a sustained number of days is just NOT FUCKING RIGHT! I mean I'm all for buying a new game, and not leaving the house all weekend while playing it. That's fine, but if you're doing this week in week out on the same game, how long before someone notices?
  2. Secondly, the game in question (which looks awesome from the screenshots I've seen of it) has been removed from the shelves of major sellers like Dixons, Comet and other chickenshit knee-jerk reactionary stores, in what has to be year's biggest shutting-stable-doors-after-horse-has-long-since-bolted situations, meaning grown ups who are entitled to vote out governments and stand in judgment of their peers in a court of law, are rendered incapable of making their own decisions as to what video games they want to play. When you think these things through it just makes you despair, it really does.
  3. The game was certified 18, a 14 year old was playing it and for some reason I haven't seen a single picture of this cretin's dumbass parents being kicked to death by a screeching lynch mob, which is surely some mistake. Who bought him the game? If it was the kid himself, who sold him the game? Why aren't they being made to answer for their actions? In a perfect world though, the kid would have bought it himself from Dixons, thereby giving their post-event moralising an even more hypocritical edge.
Anyway, I think that's a reasonable attempt at a first post back. I try not to get too angry at times, but then I read sites like Maddox and listen to my Bill Hicks stuff, and it just winds me up about stuff no end!!

Hopefully Christine will be happier for this, and it should definitely not be anywhere near as long until my next post. Unfortunately I still can't post from work, due to certain 'issues', but at least I can post at home now. See you soon.


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